Benefits of being a Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)

Benefits of being a Singapore Permanent Resident (PR)

Find out about the key advantages of turning into a Permanent Resident in Singapore.

In the event that you are a current work pass holder (Employment Pass, Personalized Employment Pass, EntrePass or S Pass), and have worked in Singapore for at any rate a half year, you’ll be qualified to apply for Singapore PR (Permanent Resident) status. As indicated by 2018 information, there are 522,347 Singapore PR holders living in Singapore. Singapore PR holders appreciate a large number of the advantages and rights that are given to full residents.

As a Singapore PR, you can:

  • Live, enter and depart Singapore while not having to use for separate Singapore visas for work purposes or journey. You’ll get hold of a Blue Card, which acts as a identify card.
  • Encompass your partner and single children under 21 within the PR application. In case your youngsters are schooling, they’re will be on the priority listing, behind citizens, to enter government schools of your personal selecting.
  • Apply for long term visas for your parents/dependents.
  • Change your jobs freely without having to re-apply for a Singapore work permit. In case you hold a work-related Singapore visa and need to change your jobs, you’ll must cancel your previous Singapore visa and do a new application. This is however be subjected to risk of delay or pass rejection by the government.

Need to know more about the work visa schemes that are available?

Under Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme, a employee can receive monetary and tax rewards. Contribution by employer and employee every month will add into a minimum into the pension funds which is can be withdrawn for many usages such as healthcare, purchase of house, family protection and asset wealth management.


Apply and get a higher need to obtain different advances, for example, lodging credits to buy property. Singapore PR holders are likewise qualified to purchase recycled units of government HDB pads (no one but residents can buy new ones) 


Be qualified to apply for full Singapore citizenship following being a permanent resident for a long period of time. Upon getting citizenship status, you will have the option to get a Singapore identification and appreciate similar rights as privately conceived residents.

Need to know more about the permanent resident schemes that are available?

Be wary of the consequences that turning into a Singapore PR provides the Singapore government a few rights. For example, if you have got younger sons who are Singapore PR holders, they are to be enlisted for the national service  by age 16.5 years previous and serve for two years on fliping 18. All NS Man will be required to serve  in 40 days of Operationally organized service till they become fifty (for officers) or 40 (for other ranks).
Although this application process of becoming a Singapore Permanent Resident requires a 6 months to 12 months waiting time, one still needs to build up a historical application portfolio that allows the ICA authority to award you based on the merits acquired above the average applicant.

Contact us for building your profile into a PR eligible one!

Singapore Permanent Resident Schemes

Singapore Permanent Resident Schemes

The lure of Singapore is by far the most mysterious feeling that many visitors have in the 21st century. Since many years ago, people have flocked in thousands to the sunny island, out in the south china sea and make the place they call a second home. Every year, thousands of foreigners submit their applications to become a Singapore Permanent Resident but only 30% of them get approved. The application may seem the same but the journey or process or schemes used for PR attainment is very much different from person to person. If you are considering going forward in this direction, there are a few options which you can consider – Family application or individual application. This is just the beginning of a long journey towards a stable and diverse future in one of Asia’s most developed countries and fin-tech center. 

Counting the Numbers: 

Total number of Permanent Residents in Singapore – 526,000 out of 5,600,000 people. 

(figures as of June 2017)

It is becoming more and more of a norm for foreigners to apply for Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) after a few years of plying their trade in Singapore and all of them attain their 
SPR through various means.

Singapore Permanent Resident Rights and Benefits:


1. The right to live within the country without visa regulations.

2. Higher precedence of public schooling for your children.

3. Greater freedom for property purchase.

4. Central Provident Fund (CPF) entitlement.

5. Purchase of second hand HDB.

6. Right to live, work and integrate into Singaporean Society just like citizens.

7. Apply long term visas for parents. 

The Singapore Permanent Resident Schemes can be listed as follows:

Singapore PTS Scheme or The Professionals/Technical Personnel & Skilled Worker scheme for Working Individuals.

This scheme is the easiest for SPR attainment.

Key Requirement: 

1. Work pass holder of S Pass or Employment Pass or Entrepreneur Pass or Personalized Employment Pass.

2. Working in Singapore at the time of application.

3. Minimum of 6 months of working in Singapore.

Singapore Permanent Resident Scheme for Investors.

Apply for SPR through a Investment Scheme called Global Investor Program (GIP scheme). .

This scheme allows you to apply for PR for you and your immediate family members by starting a business or investing into a business that is under government approved business sectors.

Key Requirement

Option A: Invest at least S$2.5 million in a new business startup or expansion of an existing business operation.

Option B: Invest at least S$2.5 million in a GIP-approved fund that invests in Singapore-based companies.

1. Meet the minimum investment requirement of S$2.5 million in one of the investment options (criteria for each option are further detailed below)

2. Possess at least three years of business or entrepreneurial track record

3. Ensure that your existing business meets the following turnover requirements:

4. For companies in other business sectors: A minimum of S$50 million in the most recent year and at least S$50 million per annum on average for the last three years

5. Have at least 30% shareholding in the company if it is privately owned

6. Submit audited financial statements of your company for the last three years

Other critical factors to consider: Profitability, role and position in the company and financial statements will take a part during the consideration. 

Singapore Permanent Resident Scheme for Foreign Artistic Talent.

To transform the local cultural and arts sector into a regional arts hub, Singapore have opened this PR Scheme to attract foreign talents all over the world to come and reside in Singapore and contribute to Singapore and make it a second home. To qualify under this scheme, you must be a well recognized artiste in your own country or preferably with a international reputation and possess relevant training in your field of training. 

Key Requirement:

1. Significant contributions to Singapore arts and cultural scene.

2. Strong track record of local engagements at leadership level.

3. Have concrete plans to be involved in the Singapore arts and cultural sector. 

On your way to Singapore Citizenship

For applicants  who  are at least 2 to 6 years of Singapore PR can apply for Singapore Citizenship.

This is the most important criteria for those aspiring to be a Singapore Citizen and change their roots in Singapore. It will put you on the brink of becoming a full fledged citizen. If you are considering to move towards this direction, below are the eligibility criteria that is for your consideration.


1. Age of 21 years and 2 to 6 years of being a Singapore PR at the date of application.

2. Spouse of Singapore Citizen with at least 2 years being a Singapore PR and married for at least 2 years.

3. Child who is born outside of Singapore and parent is a Singapore Citizen.

Additional Factors To Take Note:

1. Good track record while being a Permanent Resident.

2. Time frame of staying in Singapore as a Singapore Permanent Resident.

3. Being a asset to Singapore and your potential to produce wealth and become strong financially.

4. Lastly, show your investment into Singapore, financially and socially showing your intention to stay long term in Singapore. 

Contact us to see which PR schemes is eligible for you and apply with us today!

Singapore Work Visa Schemes

Singapore Work Visa Schemes

Work Visas is a essential pass that all foreigners have to attain in order to work in Singapore. Be it as a foreigner that ply their trade through their skills or by investments and business entrepreneurships, or through knowledge through education as a degree, they all have to attain a work visa. But as the time pass by and foreigners who are already working here in Singapore realize that they have fallen in love with the little sunny island and wishes to stay and attain a permanent resident and make Singapore as a second home, the type of work visa that they are currently holding on to becomes very important. 

Singapore has become the ideal business and business center point in Southeast Asia, somewhat because of its innovative migration approaches intended to pull in prepared business people and working experts from around the globe. Discover more about the different work visa schemes accessible in Singapore for unfamiliar working professionals and entrepreneurs.

Let us take a look at the various work visas that leads to the path to becoming a Singapore Permanent Resident.

Employment Pass Scheme:

The Employment Pass (EP) is the principle form of work permit intended for business owners or professional employees, managers or directors of companies who can be working in Singapore. Your constant monthly income have to be more than $3,600.00 . The benefits of EP is that there is no quota limit that is restricted by the Ministry of Manpower.This pass allows you to work, live and play without having to apply for entry visas.

Validity: 1-2 years

Eligibility: Degree and above from reputable university and relevant work experience, minimum salary of $3,600. Strong work history and high salary may compensate for lack of educational qualifications.

Quota: There is no limit of the number of EPs the company can employ.

Permanent Resident Eligibility: Eligible for Permanent Resident through PTS Scheme.

Check on your eligibility through Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

Need to know more about the Employment Pass application process and FAQ?

  • Filing of an EP Application Form 8 endorsement by employer or Company.
  • Updated resume and educational certifications.A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates/curriculum vitae.
  • References/testimonials from previous employers
  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Passport bio data page
  • One copy of Business profile of Employer 
  • Job duties and profile detailed description 
  • A detailed description of the activities and/or products of the employing Singapore company
  • Additional documents – All documents not written in English Language must be translated and notarized by the notary public and certified true copy.
Supporting documents that might enhance the approval would be certification of proof of voluntary contribution to the society that enhances personal contribution to the community.
  • Documents are usually submitted online through company’s EPOnline account through the company’s administration. 
  • Manual submission can also be used to submit the application which supporting documents can be attached (Online application cannot submit supporting documents). 
Overall processing time can vary from time to time in difference of days to even weeks.
  • Online application will normally be processed by 3 weeks or so.
  • Manual application will normally be processed by 8 weeks or so.
  • Upon approval – MOM will send an In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letter to the employing Singapore company’s EP OLINE. The IPA letter is valid for 6 months from the date it is issued. 
  • Pass collection – IPA and visa clearance at immigration – i.e passport documents. Documents and pass collection will be done at MOM after medical test is done at the local established clinic. 

Rejections are common and we can help clients to appeal that addresses the reasons and achieve approval for them within 4 – 6 weeks.

S-Pass Scheme:

The S Pass (SP) is the principle form of work permit intended for mid-skilled foreign workers who wish to relocate and work in Singapore. Example of such workers are technicians and skilled labors. Your constant monthly income have to be more than $2,500.00 . SP is availability is subjected to manpower quota and levy which is subjected to the industry and service which the business activity is in.

Validity: 1-2 years

Eligibility: Diploma or Degree from reputable institutions, university and relevant work experience, minimum salary of $2,500. Strong work history and high salary may compensate for lack of educational qualifications. The certifications should require at least a 1 year full time study.

Quota: Under the quota, the number of S Pass holders your company can hire is capped at:

  • 13% of the company’s total workforce in the services sector.
  • 20% in all other sectors.

Employers who exceed the quota will need to increase their local workforce or reduce the number of foreign workers. See Computation of Company’s Quota Balance.

Permanent Resident Eligibility: Eligible for Permanent Resident through PTS Scheme.

Check on your eligibility through Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

Need to know more about the S Pass application process and FAQ?

  • Filing of an S Pass endorsement by employer or Company.
  • Updated resume and educational certifications.A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates/curriculum vitae.
  • References/testimonials from previous employers
  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Passport bio data page. Personal particulars page of the candidate’s passport.If the candidate’s name on the passport is different from the other documents, an explaination letter or  affidavit is required.
  • One copy of Business profile of Employer 
  • Job duties and profile detailed description 
  • A detailed description of the activities and/or products of the employing Singapore company
  • Additional documents – All documents not written in English Language must be translated and notarized by the notary public and certified true copy.
Qualifications verification documents:
India –  Transcripts or marksheets for all semesters indicating the college attended.
China – Verification proof for diploma and above qualifications from one of these sources. 
Diploma – Online Verification Report Of Higher Qualification Certificate from China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHSI)
Degree and above – China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Information (CDGDC)
Diploma and Above – Global verification agency, e.g. Dataflow
  • Documents are usually submitted online through company’s EPOnline account through the company’s administration. 
  • Manual submission can also be used to submit the application which supporting documents can be attached (Online application cannot submit supporting documents). 
Overall processing time can vary from time to time in difference of days to even weeks.
  • Online application will normally be processed by 3 weeks or so.
  • Manual application will normally be processed by 8 weeks or so.
  • Upon approval – MOM will send an In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letter to the employing Singapore company’s EP ONLINE. The IPA letter is valid for 60 days from the date it is issued. 
  • Pass collection – IPA and visa clearance at immigration – i.e passport documents. Documents and pass collection will be done at MOM after medical test is done at the local established clinic.

Rejections are common and we can help clients to appeal that addresses the reasons and achieve approval for them within 4 – 6 weeks.

  • Entrepass Scheme:

The Entrepass Scheme is the principle form of work permit intended for foreign business entrepreneurs who wish to start and operate a new business and relocate in Singapore. This includes foreign innovators and investors who is interested in using Singapore to launch their business globally. 

Validity: Entrepass holders are granted 1 year approval to prove the progress of the business.Thereafter the holder will be granted another 1 year extension. The following extensions will be on a 2 year approval.

Eligibility: At least 21 years of age and plan or has already founded a new company with ACRA. Willing to work and relocate to Singapore to operate their business. Have a business that is entrepreneurial in nature and creates employment and own at least 30% of the company.

 In addition, applicant must meet the minimum criteria under one of the 3 categories:


  1. Receiving at least $100,000 in funding or investment from a third party venture capitalist (VC) or angel investor accredited by Singapore Government Agency.
  2. Your company is incubated by an incubator or accelerator recognized by the Singapore Government.
  3. You have an established business network and entrepreneurial track record.
  1. Possess intellectual property.
  2. You have research collaborations with Singapore institute of higher learning.
  3. Have a record of achievements in the key areas of expertise.
  1. Have a strong record of  investments in many sectors
The sectors that are not government supported for entrepass are as follows:
  • Coffee shops, hawker centres, food courts
  • Bars, night clubs, karaoke lounges
  • Foot reflexology and massage parlours
  • Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, and herbal dispensaries
  • Employment agencies and geomancy

Quota: No official quota.

Permanent Resident Eligibility: Eligible for Permanent Resident through Entre Pass Scheme.

Need to know more about the Entre Pass application process and FAQ?

  • Summary and roles of key management individuals who will run the business.
  • A section allocated for any form of prestigious awards received from a national body, credible organisation or recognised media.
  • A short, self-explanatory description that entails details explaining your proposed business concept.
  • Detailed explaination of the product(s) and service(s) that your business plans to offer.
  • An analysis of your business’ target customers, key competitors, and potential for growth in Singapore.
  • Show a marketing/distribution plan of how the products/services offered by your business will be marketed or distributed.
  • Provide a necessary description on the necessary internal operations and resources necessary to produce your product(s) or service(s).
  • Projected sales and net profit for your business (before tax) for three years, as well as the estimated break-even point.
  • Supporting documents to assist your application, such as product certifications, licensing agreements and endorsements.
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  • Filing of an Entrepass application endorsement.
  • Documentary evidence to show that you have achieved the criteria in either one of the categories under Entrepreneur, Innovator or Investor.
  • Updated business plan in the required format. (See above.)
  • Updated resume and educational certifications.A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates/curriculum vitae that states your previous employments and previous business ventures.
  • References/testimonials from previous employers
  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Passport bio data page. Personal particulars page of the candidate’s passport.If the candidate’s name on the passport is different from the other documents, an explaination letter or  affidavit is required.
  • One copy of Business profile (If incorporated)
  • Licensing agreements (if any)
  • Memorandums of Understanding (if any)
  • Relevant certifications (if any)
  • Endorsements by reputable parties (if any)
  • A copy of your company’s latest bank statement (if any)
  • Additional documents – All documents not written in English Language must be translated and notarized by the notary public and certified true copy.
  • Documents are usually submitted online through MOM’s online application. 
Overall processing time can vary from time to time in difference of days to even weeks.
  • Online application will normally be processed by 8-10 weeks or so.
  • Upon approval – MOM will send an In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letter to the email indicated. The IPA letter is valid for 6 months to come to Singapore to get the pass issued.
  • Pass collection – IPA and visa clearance at immigration – i.e passport documents.
  • To collect your EntrePass, you will need to be in Singapore and present a copy of the IPA letter, your passport, and any other documents that may be requested in the IPA letter. A one-time entry visa will be issued to you to enter Singapore to collect your EntrePass if required.
  •  Documents and pass collection will be done at MOM after medical test is done at the local established clinic.
  • Once the final IPA approval letter has been issued, you must relocate to Singapore within 6 months of the approval date.

Rejections are common and we can file an appeal within 90 days of your rejection notice. We can help clients to appeal that addresses the reasons and achieve approval for them within 8 weeks.

Personalized Employment Pass Scheme:

The Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) is the special type of employment permit that is not tied to any specific employer. The special benefit for this work permit is that you can switch jobs without applying for a new employment pass unless that you are not unemployed for more than 6 months. The negative side to PEP holders is that you cannot start your own company as the pass is meant for you to be employed by a third party employer. 

Validity: 3 years non renewable

Eligibility: Meet either one of the following

  1. Highly paid professionals on a employment pass with income of at $12,000 per month and have at least a fixed annual salary of $144,000 the previous year.
  2. Overseas professional with a last drawn fixed salary of at least $18,000 a month and the last drawn salary should not be more than 6 months of the application.
  3. Not allowed to open a company and run a business or engaging in entrepreneurial activities.
  4. Must earn a fixed income of $144,000 a year throughout the duration of the pass.

Quota: There is no limit of the number of PEPs the company can employ.

Permanent Resident Eligibility: Eligible for Permanent Resident through PTS Scheme.

Check on your eligibility through Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

\Need to know more about the Personalized Employment Pass application process and FAQ?

Existing Employment Pass Holder
  • Name and address of employer (if available)
  • Passport bio data page
  • Job duties, profile detailed description and salary (if available)
  • Local contact details (For overseas professional, can furnish details upon arrival).
  • Details of Dependant pass (if available)
  • Details of Long term social visit pass (if available)

Non Employment Pass Holder

  • Passport bio data page
  • Employment contract (New and previous if available)
  • Previous 3 months of salary slips and bank statements
  • Latest Tax Statement
  • Updated resume and educational certifications.A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates/curriculum vitae.
Additional documents – All documents not written in English Language must be translated and notarized by the notary public and certified true copy.
    • Documents are usually submitted online through MOM’s online application. 
Overall processing time can vary from time to time in difference of days to even weeks.
  • Online application will normally be processed by 5-8 weeks or so.
  • Upon approval – MOM will send an In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letter to the employing Singapore company’s EP OLINE. The IPA letter is valid for 1 months from the date it is issued. 
  • Pass collection – IPA and visa clearance at immigration – i.e passport documents. Documents and pass collection will be done at MOM after medical test is done at the local established clinic. 

Rejections are common and we can help clients to appeal that addresses the reasons and achieve approval for them within 4 – 6 weeks.

Singapore Dependent Pass Scheme

Singapore Dependent Pass Scheme

Moving to Singapore for work will make you think of relocating with your love ones. While it is natural for one to miss the company of one’s love ones, Singapore’s Dependent Pass Scheme have planned it all for you to bring your family members to come together to live, work, study and play in the bring little island of Singapore.

Dependent Pass Scheme:

The Dependent Pass (DP) is the relocation visa for people who are on Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass, S Pass and Personalized Employment Pass to bring their family members and love ones to be with them in Singapore. The dependent pass is valid as long as the holder of the Singapore work visa is actively working in Singapore. Dependent pass holders can work, live and play in Singapore without having to apply for separate visas.

Validity: Dependent on holder of Singapore Work Visa (Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass, S Pass and Personalized Employment Pass holders). 


  • Spouses and unmarried child of under 21 years old (both birth and legally adopted) of Singapore Work Visa holders of the above mentioned. Salary needed to be of at least $6,000.00 and above to qualify.
  • Baby of Singapore Work Visa Holders who is born in Singapore will be given a Notification of Live Birth and Advisory Note from Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) from the hospital to register for a birth certificate. It also acts as a special pass to stay in Singapore fo 6 weeks to allow you to register for a passport at the high commission or embassy.
  • Common Law Spouse is not eligible for Dependent pass but you can apply for a Long Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP).

Quota: You can apply for your Dependent if the eligibility criteria is met.

Permanent Resident Eligibility: Eligible for Permanent Resident through main pass holder. If the main pass holder is approved, dependent pass holders will be approved too.

Need to know more about the Dependent Pass application process and FAQ?

  • Filing of an Dependant’s Pass application form.
  • Updated resume and educational certifications.A copy of your latest resume and relevant educational certificates/curriculum vitae.
  • Copy of original/translated notary public documents of marriage certification/birth certification/adoption certifications
  • School enrollment details if any
  • Salary details of most recent if any
  • Recent passport size photograph
  • Passport bio data page
  • Additional documents – All documents not written in English Language must be translated and notarized by the notary public and certified true copy.
  • Documents are usually submitted online through company’s EPOnline account through the company’s administration. 
  • Manual submission can also be used to submit the application which supporting documents can be attached (Online application cannot submit supporting documents). 
Overall processing time can vary from time to time in difference of days to even weeks.
    • Online application will normally be processed by 3 – 5 weeks or so.
    • Manual application will normally be processed by 8 weeks or so.

  • Upon approval – MOM will send an In-Principle-Approval (IPA) letter to the employing Singapore company’s EP OLINE. The IPA letter is valid for 2 to 6 months from the date it is issued. 
  • Pass collection – IPA and visa clearance at immigration – i.e passport documents. Documents and pass collection will be done at MOM after medical test is done at the local established clinic. 

Rejections are common and we can help clients to appeal that addresses the reasons and achieve approval for them within 4 – 6 weeks.

For dependent pass holders who wish to work in Singapore, your prospective employer need to apply for a letter of consent (LOC) when you apply for a job.

Your validity of Dependent Pass needs to be of at least 3 months and you must have a job offer from a Singapore Employer.

For selected professions, additional documents when applying for a LOC is needed. These includes healthcare,football players, coaches, lawyers and regional representatives.

Regional Representatives:

  • A copy of the approval letter from Enterprise Singapore for setting up the representative office in Singapore.
  • A letter from the representative’s office headquarters stating:
    • The purpose of the application.
    • The duration of the candidate’s assignment.
    • A guarantee for the maintenance and repatriation of the candidate.

Healthcare professionals/football players/coaches/lawyers:

  • Supporting documents from the relative professional bodies
Employees at Food Establishment:
  • Copy of Food shop license by Singapore Food Agency (SFA)
  • For new applicants, submit your application for food shop license letter issued by SFA